How To Terminate Any Physical Confrontation With Just 3 Simple Moves
Created by Arthur Ligopantis

When I was looking at most martial arts websites and just the martial arts marketing industry, in general, I noticed that a good majority of all the marketing was missing some very crucial elements that allow Facebook ads to work properly. 

In this video, I talk about that missing element and how it's able to help you find laser targeted martial arts students that are ready to get started now.


1. What every martial arts marketing website needs on it to be successful

2. Why being able to track and retarget your visitors is crucial for generating leads

3. How important it is to understand your numbers if you really want to scale

4. A simple Chrome Browser extension you can use to check if you have what you need to have for your site to work with Facebook ads

5. What Facebook ads can do to automatically find your best prospective students if you have everything you need on the website installed

Check it out and let me know what you think in the comments?

To your success, 

Mike Gowans & the team at

Arthur Ligopantis

Arthur Ligopantis helps to empower people through the martial arts. He is an expert at helping people reach their full potential, to live a more confident and fulfilling life.
If you're interested in starting your journey in the martial arts or want to learn more about what we do, then definitely reach out and request a free strategy session today.
Arthur Ligopantis Founder, Progressive Combat Systems

Mike Gowans

Mike Gowans helps people start and grow successful martial arts businesses.  He is an expert at helping people get clients using online methods and making things super simple to understand.

If you're interested in starting your own martial arts business or scaling up and getting more students then definitely reach out and request a free strategy session today.
Mike Gowans CEO and Founder,
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