How To Overwhelm Your Opponent With The Shock and Awe Tactics Of Jeet Kune Do!
Created by Arthur Ligopantis
This video covers 3 reasons why martial arts businesses fail to get students and explains why it doesn't have to be so unpredictable. 


Are you a martial arts business owner struggling to get students?

Or maybe here and there you might snag a new student but usually, they don't stay long...

When I look at the martial arts marketplace today I notice there are 3 serious problems that are common amongst most dojos and choking out most martial arts business owners.

If you don't change how you operate your dojo/business you will get tapped out too. However, if you want to change your operation and join the winning side of martial arts business owners in this new leveled up playing field and marketplace...


If you want to make a real profit as a martial arts business owner you must have a reliable and proven rinse and repeat system to conduct appointments and convert people into new paying students. 

1.) Commonality:

Most martial arts business owners are not presenting their uniqueness. They're just run of the mill dojos that don't charge enough because that's their only competitive edge "they think..." They don't have a niche nailed down within the profession and they can't define who their best student is. They are just your common martial artist teaching martial arts seeking any and all students they can find in exchange for low rates. If you want to make a serious profit as a martial arts business owner you MUST have a niche!

2.) No predictable way to generate student appointments:

Most martial artists operate by what the industry calls "Hope Marketing". Here's how it looks: 8 AM they get to their dojo get down on the mat and hope and pray to the high heavens that today the phone rings or a new student walks through the door and signs up. They operate their dojo/business using a method that's less successful than a drunk guy trying to take down Bruce Lee in his prime and they risk their own future and their family's future on this strategy.

If you want to have success as a martial arts business owner you MUST have a predictable and proven formula to reliably generate new students on demand.

3.) No predictable way to convert their student appointments in paying students:

Most martial arts business owners have no consistent process in how they talk to potential new students. Every single opportunity to talk to someone new they operate "off the hip" and say something new or different with little regard to what has and hasn't worked in the past. They have no system of knowing how many appointments they need to generate a new student and (as before) operate their dojo/business and family's destiny with a spine chilling chance.

If you want to make a real profit as a martial arts business owner you must have a reliable and proven rinse and repeat system to conduct appointments and convert people into new paying students. 

Let me ask you, "Are you making any of these three mistakes?"

The truth is that if you're making even one of these mistakes your martial arts business has less than 6-months left before it gets completely wiped out.

The world is changing and there is zero room for error in this world for sloppy martial arts business operators. A new breed of martial arts business owners has emerged and they're powering through taking your students and making you tap out.

You can register for a full free training session on this topic.

Let me know what you think of this down in the comments, I personally read and reply to all of them?

To your success, 

Mike Gowans & the team at

Arthur Ligopantis

Arthur Ligopantis helps to empower people through the martial arts. He is an expert at helping people reach their full potential, to live a more confident and fulfilling life.
If you're interested in starting your journey in the martial arts or want to learn more about what we do, then definitely reach out and request a free strategy session today.
Arthur Ligopantis Founder, Progressive Combat Systems

Mike Gowans

Mike Gowans helps people start and grow successful martial arts businesses.  He is an expert at helping people get clients using online methods and making things super simple to understand.

If you're interested in starting your own martial arts business or scaling up and getting more students then definitely reach out and request a free strategy session today.
Mike Gowans CEO and Founder,
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